10 Minutes With… Danny Dyer
In the first half of your career, you're learning your trade – and in the second half, you put it into place. I’ve just done a movie called Three Quick Breaths and I'm the only one in it. I couldn't have done it 20 years ago – I don't think I had the discipline – but I'm looking for new challenges now. I read it, I loved the story, and then I had to decide whether I could do it or not. As an actor, this is an opportunity to see if I can carry the film on my own. I had the other actors in another room, who I didn't even meet, talking to me through an earpiece. It's a completely different discipline. We shot it in ten days, so I had to learn 12 pages a day. I've done a lot of stuff completely in my comfort zone and I just fancied ducking the head under the water to see where it takes me. That’s when you can get the most creative.
My next film is shooting in Leeds with Kiefer Sutherland and Rebel Wilson. So, that'll be fun. It's a Christmas film, it’s light-hearted, and it'll be a lot easier for me than me one-man show, let me tell you that now. We're going to do a Rivals second season too. I’m always grateful to be working. I'm in a position now because I've been around for so long that I can pick and choose roles. I suppose what I say no to now will probably define me in my career, and you never know what's around the corner. So I'm excited.
I had a kid young at 18, so you accept that you probably are going to become a grandfather when you get to your 40s. I love that I’m at that chapter. I've got three children and three grandchildren, and I love it. It's great. I'm proud of them all. I love them all so much.
My parents have an opinion on how I should bring up my kids, but they were bringing up kids in a different era. There's no reference point to try and deal with kids who are just on their phones all the time on TikTok and have virtual-reality relationships. They don't do eye to eye. That's the reality. People will say, ‘Oh, don't give them too much screen time’ and ‘Don't give your kid a phone too young’, so what are you going to do then? Everyone's got a phone. And the people who are saying that have got phones in their fucking hands as well. So, if you can't get your kid to be quiet in a restaurant while you eat, give them a fucking iPad. That's what I say, you know. Every day is a lesson in parenting. You think you've nailed it and you ain't. But look, I've got a 28-year-old. I've got a nearly-18-year-old and an 11-year-old. It's difficult, I tell you. I've been doing school runs for 25 years.
I was brought up in a council estate in East London, so it was all very sort of white Reebok Classic trainers, jeans and polo shirts. As I'm getting old, I feel like I need to be styled by people to help me to get with ‘the trend’ or whatever that is, grandfather. It's important to look good, but I do need a bit of help, I'm not going to lie. It's important to have your unique style. I don’t think I'm a follower. Sometimes people suggest stuff that I wouldn't have the bollocks to wear, but I go, ‘Okay, maybe I will wear that. So, watch this space.'
I get fish ’n’ chips at least once a week, ideally on a Friday. I love it. I used to always have it with my Nan, and she would have a cup of tea with hers because that's such an old-school thing. I've got a gaff round the corner to me called Wilson's, where I go. Today, I've been eating fish that's laced with Frank's Red Hot Sauce. Good way to start the week, d’ya know what I mean? This is my second collaboration and the concept is taking a British classic, giving it a little twist. Putting it on your fish, or making some batter up with the sauce. It's just encouraging people to go to your local chippy and use a bit of Frank's sauce instead of tartar. Tartar is for the middle class, you know?
You gotta be grateful for your health. That's what I realise. No matter how much money you earn and what job you're doing, you’re only really one phone call away from your life being fucking ruined. So you gotta just be grateful and positive as much as you can. That's easier said than done, but as long as I've got my health, my parents are still with me, and my kids are well, then I'm a happy man.
I’ve got no issue whatsoever with West Ham fans chanting about Jarrod Bowen and my daughter Dani. It's quite cute. I love the man, you know? He’s the West Ham captain, so it's just an incredible thing for me. They're getting married this year,
and I'm a very, very happy father-in-law.
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