20 Stylish Pyjama Sets To Buy Now
Gentleman wear matching pyjamas with a collar, so if you don't already have a selection of poplin, cotton and linen PJs in your wardrobe, act now. M&S, Uniqlo and Boden offer casual styles – think relaxed tees and checked trousers – and there are button-down pairings from grown-up brands like Turnbull & Asser, Derek Rose and Hamilton & Hare. Just add shearling slippers, a robe and a broadsheet.
If you're not sure where to start, try Sunspel. The British label specialises in great quality basics, and from underwear to loungewear to smart pyjamas, they have off-duty dressing down to a tee.
Cool Brit label Desmond & Dempsey may have made a name for itself with fun, bold prints, but their more subdued designs are also winners. This simple, classic pair is a safe bet from a brand who really know what they're doing.
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