How To Handle A Hangover – According To The Pros

How To Handle A Hangover – According To The Pros

Party season is in full swing, which means a hangover will probably hit you at some stage. But it only takes a little self-care – and perhaps a few grooming essentials – to take the edge off the morning after and bounce back looking better than ever. Here’s what the experts told us you should be doing…

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.


Take Preventative Action

“If you have a big night on the cards, take 2g of vitamin C (that’s around 2,000mg) an hour before drinking – this will help the liver deal with toxins more efficiently. Vitamin C is a powerhouse of an antioxidant and is proven to remove toxins and free radicals. Before you hit the pillow, take a magnesium supplement as well as zinc picolinate, both of which can help prevent ‘hangxiety’ as they support neurological function. Zinc also supports the gut lining, which can be affected by alcohol. If you have a boozy couple of weeks in store, consider taking probiotics (especially a formula that contains bifidobacteria, which can help clear alcoholic by-products) and NAC for antioxidant support.” – Samantha Bloom, nutritionist 

Have Eggs For Breakfast

“Scrambled or poached eggs on toast with a generous portion of avocado is the hangover breakfast of kings. Eggs are a rich source of cysteine, an amino acid used by the body to produce glutathione, the master antioxidant. Avoid fried eggs, though, as anything greasy is tougher on the stomach and can leave you feeling nauseous. Avocado, meanwhile, is rich in potassium, which will help rebalance electrolytes. If you’re in a rush, try a breakfast smoothie with avocado, banana, frozen berries, oats and plant milk. If you can get your hands on a beetroot juice, even better – it’s great for your liver.” – Rob Hobson, sports nutritionist 

Load Up With B Vitamins

“Alcohol can inhibit the absorption of certain nutrients. As a one-off, this may not be an issue, but if you’re drinking regularly (think several heavy nights over Christmas) it could increase your risk of a deficiency of B vitamins and folic acid, both of which keep you firing on all cylinders. The morning after drinking, take a B complex supplement to put the spring back in your step.” – Rob 

Drink Electrolytes

“Electrolytes are salts and minerals – like sodium, potassium and calcium – that help with certain bodily functions such as energy production and muscle function. Since alcohol is a diuretic, it causes your body to lose these vital minerals, leading to symptoms like fatigue, nausea and diarrhoea. Hydration is essential when hungover, but even better if you can get electrolytes in the form of a sports drink or rehydration sachet. When you’re hydrated, you’re better able to support your organs and elimination pathways. If you struggle with bad hangovers, it could be genetic and a sign you need more detox support. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, dry brushing, regular saunas and daily movement will all support your detox pathways.” – Lolade Alakija, nutritional therapist

“The morning after drinking, take a B complex supplement to put the spring back in your step.”

Try Green Tea

“According to Chinese medicine, overconsumption of alcohol causes an excess of heat in the body and damage to certain organs, resulting in symptoms such as headaches and nausea. To prevent or relieve a hangover, anything that reduces and clears excess heat in the body is beneficial. If you remember, drink a glass or two of concentrated pear juice before indulging in alcohol. This centuries-old remedy is said to have strong anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate the liver. If you have a headache the following morning – especially one that is throbbing in nature and located around the temples – infuse a very strong cup of green tea, using three teabags per cup. This will cool your organs and relieve tension in your temples.” – Emilia Herting, traditional Chinese medicine practitioner & co-founder of Escapada

Stimulate An Acupressure Point

“Feeling a little green the morning after? Acupressure point ‘zusanli’ – also referred to as ‘stomach 36’ – is located four fingers (around three inches) below the kneecap on the outside of your leg between the two bones of your lower leg. The pressure on this point triggers a ‘sharp’ pain. To make it work, apply pressure and massage the point in circular movements with the tip of the thumb for three minutes and repeat on the other leg. If you want someone to do it for you, book in for an acupuncture session – it’s an incredible way to resolve a hangover, flush toxins and release endorphins.” – Emilia 

Skip The Gym

“While exercise may assuage your booze guilt, there is very little evidence it will help a hangover. Your ability to perform depends on how hungover you are feeling, but in most cases it won’t be the nicest experience. Dehydration will make exercise feel infinitely more challenging, as will symptoms like nausea and lack of balance. Research has shown that endurance athletes with a hangover experience significantly more exhaustion when working out compared to non-hungover participants. Take a rest day and if you fancy moving your body, get some fresh air with a gentle walk.” – Rob


Hydrate With Hyaluronic Acid

“The most obvious effect alcohol has on the skin is dehydration, resulting in dullness, dryness, and more pronounced fine lines and wrinkles. When it comes to your skin, a run-of-the-mill moisturiser won’t cut it – look to a formula that contains hyaluronic acid for serious quenching. Hyaluronic can hold up to 1,000 times its own weight in water, which means it can plump dehydration lines from the inside out.” – Nathan Moore, education manager at Soho Skin 

Massage Your Cleanser In

“Whether you’re washing your face in the morning or the evening, taking five minutes to work the product into the skin will increase blood and lymphatic flow, and ease facial tension. Within ten minutes you’ll revive the contours of your face, making you look lifted and more awake.” – Nathan

Invest In A Serum

“Where a moisturiser hydrates the skin, a serum feeds the skin with active ingredients. Lightweight in texture, a serum provides a potent dose of skin-reviving ingredients. Invest in a quality vitamin C serum and use it liberally the morning after drinking – even better if you can remember to apply it before you go to bed too. Since alcohol contributes to the depletion of skin antioxidant levels, applying vitamin C topically makes sense.” – Dr David Jack, skin specialist 

“A caffeine-based eye cream will constrict blood vessels and reduce fluid for a fresher appearance.”

Focus On The Eyes

“Your eyes will always give you away, so take two minutes to use a product to get your skin back on track. Alcohol will dehydrate the delicate skin around the eyes and a lack of sleep will cause puffiness and a lack of firmness. Embryolisse’s Cooling Eye Stick is great – it fits in your pocket so you can reapply it throughout the day. Peter Thomas Roth’s Instant Firm is also great – this eye cream temporarily tightens the under-eye area in 30 seconds and lasts for eight hours.” – Gregor Jaspers, founder of The Grey 

Embrace Caffeine

“Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it dehydrates both your body and your skin. Your body responds by holding onto every drop of water it has – the result is bloating, with a puffy face and dilated capillaries on the cheeks. Products that contain caffeine are great to have in your arsenal because caffeine constricts blood vessels and reduces the amount of accumulating fluid. If you buy one product, make it a caffeine-based eye cream and use it as a pick-me-up in the morning. I rate The Inkey List’s Caffeine Eye Cream.” – David 

Use Ice Therapy

“One of the most tell-tale signs of a hangover is puffiness around the face, eyes, cheeks and jawline, and the best way to beat puffiness is extreme cold. The old tricky of plunging your face into a bowl of iced water really does work – the cold will tighten pores, reduce redness and instantly depuff. If time is of the essence, keep two teaspoons in the freezer and massage them gently around the eyes. Ice globes are also great.” – Gregor 


Organic Japanese Sencha Green Tea


Vitamin C Serum

Dr David Jack

Dermask Water Jet Vital Hydra Solution

Dr Jart+

Radiant Eye


Hydration Tablets

Four Five

Bio.Me Prebio GOS




Instant Firmx Temporary Eye Tightener

Peter Thomas Roth

Face Cream

Soho Skin

Liquid B12 2000 Mcg With B-Complex


Vitamin C


Milk Thistle

£23.59  (was £28.10)

DISCLAIMER: Features published by SheerLuxe are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your GP or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programme.

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.

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