Is It Time To Open A Joint Account?

Is It Time To Open A Joint Account?

Setting up a joint bank account with your partner is a huge milestone in any relationship and usually a sign that things are getting serious. But what's the best way to go about setting one up, and what are the risks you need to be aware of? We've asked the experts for their advice…

How do you know it's the right time to open a joint bank account?

So, you’ve survived your first holiday away together and have even managed to walk round the whole of Ikea without an argument – could this mean that a joint bank account is on the cards?

“If it feels like it’s starting to get more serious, or you’re planning to move in together or even get married, it’s worth looking at whether it makes sense to combine your finances,” says Samantha Seaton, CEO of Moneyhub. “Paying rent, your mortgage, household bills and managing food and other expenses can be easier and fairer if it’s coming from a collective account. However, sharing a bank account is a big step, so it’s a good idea to test the water beforehand. If you’re living together, try opening a joint ‘household’ account just for bills, before combining all your finances together.”

Jamie Smith-Thompson, managing director of Portafina, agrees that it’s not something you necessarily want to rush into. “When to think about opening a joint account is very much down to each couple. Generally, it’s not something that’s on most people’s minds in the first flush of romance. It’s sensible to wait a little while, to get to know each other better - warts, foibles and all!” he says. “And, if either of you has any doubts then put it off until you are both on the same page.”

What are the benefits of having a joint account?

There are lots of advantages to opening a joint bank account – especially if you’re at a stage in your relationship where your daily living expenses are closely entwined. 

“Having a joint account can make paying for joint expenses far simpler,” Samantha says. “For some couples, there will be one member who feels they are paying for more than the other – and this can breed resentment. Having a joint account where both of you add in a set amount each month, will help keep it fair, and will make setting up direct debits for bills and rent much more straightforward.” 

There’s also the fact that if you have a joint savings account with good interest rates, your investment should grow quicker. 

And don’t forget – joint accounts aren’t just for couples in a relationship. They can also be useful if you’re living with friends and want a way to easily pay for bills and household expenses between you.

And what about the risks?

Unfortunately, opening a joint account with anyone does come with risks, and that’s why it’s important to know that you can trust your partner with money issues. And, one key thing to consider is what your credit scores are like, says Samantha. “Opening a joint bank account or sharing a mortgage could affect your credit score, as you’ll be co-scored together,” she explains. “If one of you has a bad credit score it might be worth keeping your finances separate until this has been resolved.”

And if you break up?

This is something else you need to consider. “Planning for a relationship to end isn’t the most romantic thing to do, but it can be sensible,” Samantha says. “When you’re about to open your joint account it can be worth discussing with your partner what would happen to the money held there should you break up. If the account is purely for expenses and so you both put in a specific amount each month then the solution can be very simple. You’ll both just need to take out your own money and then close the account down. However, if all your finances are shared with your partner it can be slightly more complicated. This will require you to sit down and have a discussion on how to fairly split all your assets. One thing to be aware of is that a joint account can be closed by just one of the account holders. To avoid a situation where one partner withdraws all the money and closes the account without the permission of the other, it’s wise to make an agreement early on to ensure you are both on the same page in the event of a break up. In any event, it can be a good idea to keep some of your finances separate, to ensure you are not financially vulnerable should your relationship end.”

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