Mr Lyan Shares 4 Exclusive Christmas Cocktails

Christmas Cosmo Royale
This is a great drink that’s easy to serve friends as they arrive, and has all the flavours (and bubbles!) needed around Christmas time. The Hepple vodka brings the full spectrum of douglas fir flavours (from pine to green strawberry) but for extra authenticity you can also infuse it with a branch of your Christmas tree (add 3 or 4 sprigs to 300ml of vodka and infuse in the fridge for 4 hours then strain). Any rosé vermouth works great, and this base will keep well in the fridge for weeks. Try to use a traditional-method wine such as champagne, crémant or cava as they’re bubblier or drier, but any sparkling wine will do.
Whisk 200ml of cranberry juice with 100g of white sugar to create a cranberry syrup.
Mix 100ml of the syrup with 200ml of Cocchi Rosa, 300ml of Hepple vodka (or alternative) and 150ml of water. Add to a clean, empty wine bottle. Chill very well.
To serve, add 75ml of the mix to a flute, then top with 75ml of sparkling wine. Make a long peel of orange using a peeler, express over the top, then add to the glass running vertically up the flute.

Mulled Apple Collins
This drink works amazingly with a fresh citrus gin such as Thompson Bros that’s made up in the Highlands, but a bright style London Dry gin such as Beefeater is ideal. This is a light style of highball that’s great to socialise over, and to serve alongside snacks. The garnish of a sprig of pine can be foraged or plucked from your Christmas tree, but a lemon wheel also works.
Take 500ml of apple juice and add to a pan with 100g golden caster sugar, 1 star anise, 1 green cardamom pod, a stick of cinnamon and a thumb of unpeeled fresh ginger. Heat until it begins to steam and turn down the heat. Stir constantly and heat for 10 minutes until it’s reduced by half. Allow to cool, then strain and keep in a clean container in the fridge for up to two weeks.
To serve, add 50ml of gin and 25ml of apple cordial to a highball and stir over ice. Add more ice to fill the glass, then top with 50ml of chilled soda water. Garnish with the pine or lemon wheel.

Boozy Hot Chocolate
A rich (yet dairy free) hot chocolate mix served in ceramic cups with sherry-forward whisky and herbal liqueur. Garnish it with pink chocolate and nutmeg freshly grated over the top. It’s great on its own, or with a combination hit of booze.
Mix 100ml of scotch (I like a fruity single malt like Deanston, or a blend such as Johnnie Walker Black Label) with 150ml of peach liqueur.
Heat the milk without boiling, then add all the ingredients and whisk. Serve immediately in warmed cups with 25ml of spirit mix in the base. Garnish with the freshly grated chocolate and nutmeg.

Spice Punch
This is a punch I’ve created as a communal non-alcoholic drink, but which can be used to top up rocks glasses of rum, tequila or gin. As well as offering that flexibility, it feels adult and rejuvenating, and the Seedlip will last for a variety of other 0% serves – try it long with tonic for an easy highball replacement.
Freeze an ice cream tub full of water overnight with slices of citrus to act as a centrepiece to your punch bowl.
Add 5g of jasmine loose tea to a jug with 500ml of hot water off the boil. Infuse for 3 minutes then strain. Mix in 340g of honey and stir to dissolve, then allow to cool.
Add the ice block to a soup urn or punch bowl, then add 300ml of Seedlip Spice, the tea/honey mixture, slices of seasonal mixed citrus, and top with 750ml of Dry Dragon sparkling kombucha. Serve with rocks glasses garnished with mixed citrus wheels, and add an optional 25ml shot of your chosen spirit.
For more, follow Ryan at @MrLyan & pay the team at visit at Lyaness.com & SeedLibraryShoreditch.com
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