The Stylish, Delicious Booze Alternative To Try This Month
For over a decade, Sipsmith has been a pioneer of the gin revolution. Its latest creation is Sipsmith FreeGlider, an alcohol-free spirit which aims enhance the drinking experience of non-drinkers and those looking to moderate the amount of alcohol they consume.
Just like the brand’s core range of gins, Sipsmith FreeGlider has been through a painstaking development process – the team tested 189 prototypes before landing on the final seven-ingredient recipe. Also like its gins, juniper plays a lead role in this alcohol-free spirit. Its flavour is balanced with citrus and capsicum, which replicates the warmth usually found in a gin, ensuring people miss nothing of the Sipsmith experience when they choose not to drink.
To banish the January blues, Sipsmith has launched its Swancierge Service. Operating nationwide, it will deliver alcohol-free cocktails direct to a different winner’s door every day in January. Nominate yourself or loved ones for the ultimate at-home experience here.
Ready To Give Sipsmith FreeGlider A Go? Here Are Two Easy Cocktails To Try At Home…
Clover Club

Combine all ingredients – except garnish – in an ice-filled cocktail shaker.
Shake well until creamy, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with a fresh raspberry.
Basil Smash

Muddle basil leaves in a cocktail shaker.
Fill the shaker with ice and add remaining ingredients. Shake well.
Strain or double-strain into an ice-filled rocks glass.
Garnish with a basil leaf.
Want to win a visit from the Swancierge team for yourself or someone else? Or just want more info about Sipsmith FreeGlider? Visit
Sipsmith FreeGlider is available to buy in Waitrose, Sainsburys, Ocado, Amazonand for £22.50.
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