28 High-End Hits

28 High-End Hits

Slogan sweatshirts, wool caps, jewellery and outerwear essentials… This is SLMan’s pick of the coolest designer pieces to fill any gaps in your winter wardrobe.

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.

Moore Shirt, £150 | Octobre
Moore Shirt, £150 | Octobre
Bowler Black Loafer, £200 | Duke & Dexter
Bowler Black Loafer, £200 | Duke & Dexter
Mosley Cardigan, £130 | Octobre
Mosley Cardigan, £130 | Octobre
Sportswear Heritage 86 Cotton-Twill Baseball Cap, £20 | Nike
Sportswear Heritage 86 Cotton-Twill Baseball Cap, £20 | Nike

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.

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