The New Brand To Know About: Octobre Editions

The New Brand To Know About: Octobre Editions

Meet Octobre Editions. From luxe-looking outerwear and hardy woollen overshirts to cool casual blazers and stylishly tailored trousers, the brand specialises in wardrobe essentials at great prices and even better quality. Here’s our pick of the best pieces to buy now…

Connor Sweater


Carl Trousers


Frank Coat


Daren Jacket


Fitz Jumper


Floyd Cardigan


Danny Wool Trousers


Fitz Jumper


Carl Trousers


Lucas Flannel Jacket


Harvey Suede Varsity Jacket


Lucas Flannel Jacket


Frank Coat


Charlie Flannel Checkered Shirt


Davis Sweater


Julian Jacket


Wesley Sweater


Nelson Jacket


Trent Parka


Hawking Sweater


Keith Coat


Seth Jacket


Carl Trousers


Kyle Sweater


Lucas Tweed Jacket


Marlon Jumper


Wesley Sweater


Gene Sweater


Charlie Flannel Checkered Shirt


Will Jacket


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