We Try The Best Luxury Ready Meals

We all live busy lives these days, and making a meal from scratch isn’t always what you want to do after a hectic day at work. But gone are the stodgy bland ready meals of the past – thanks to an influx of ‘luxury’ brands, TV dinners have had quite the facelift. SL features writer Pascale Day tries the best of the best in convenience meals – with some you’ll even be tempted to serve to your guests too.

By Ruby Coq Au Vin

Having never experienced coq au vin before (and finding it hard to say it without thinking about that infamous Inbetweeners scene), I wasn’t sure whether I’d enjoy it. But it was really really good. Reeeaaally good. Comprised of chicken thighs slow-cooking in red wine sauce with bacon and mushrooms, it with deliciously rich and would be perfect for a chilly autumn evening. However, it was branded as serving two people, but in reality is probably better for just one person, unless you’ve got the capabilities to add some new potatoes or a little dollop of mash. So for £12.80, it’s quite expensive for the amount you get but honestly, you just can’t beat that taste. Really good. 

Price: £6.80 for one person; £12.80 for two people

Microwavable? Yes

Buy here.

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